2 Hours – Evaluating a patient with lateral elbow pain – Excellence in Patient History Taking and Physical Examination – www.ChiropracticOnlineCE.com
Welcome to this Course
Before you begin the course, please watch the video or read the text for instructions.
Course Expiration Date: Please complete this course by December 2025. Please ensure you complete the course and print your CE certificate before the expiration date. |
Course Unit
To view the course material, click on the link below.
Course Quiz
When you have completed the learning material for this course, you will be able to complete its quiz activity. You can attempt the quiz as many times as you need to pass with a grade of at least 80%.
Completed Unit
A check mark next to the unit indicates that you have successfully completed the requirement.
Course Certificate
When you have completed the course, you will be able to download your Certificate of Completion.